Kerry Katona Made Plans For After Her Death Amid Cancer Scare

  • 29 July 2024

Kerry Katona was convinced she was going to "die" and began making plans for her children after a terrifying cancer scare.

The former Atomic Kitten singer was having sleepless nights due to "unbearable" pain and suffered symptoms such as losing large clumps of blood and bleeding after sex, and underwent a series of tests after having three periods in a month.

Doctors found blood in Kerry's cervix, which instantly made her fear the worst and she urged fiance Ryan Mahoney to bring forward their plans to get married, as well as asking him to adopt her youngest child, 10-year-old DJ, whose father George Kay died in 2019.

She told Britain's OK! magazine: “When I got that news, in my head I thought ‘I’ve got cancer, I’m going to die’. That’s why Ryan and I went away by ourselves. I was in so much pain on holiday – at one point I was at the pool bent over and crying. It felt like someone had a Stanley knife and was cutting me inside. And the pain didn’t stop in one area – it goes to my hips, my back and my legs feel like they’re being ripped apart.

“I was terrified and said to Ryan, ‘We need to get married right now and you need to adopt DJ’.

"If I die, she doesn’t have a legal guardian so I was forced to have those conversations.

"Ryan has basically raised DJ but we need to work out a plan if the worst happens and get all our ducks in a row. So many things were going through my head, like it being cervical cancer or womb cancer."

Fortunately, Kerry - who also has Molly, 22, Lilly, 21, Heidi, 17, and 16-year-old Max from her previous marriages - has now been told there were "no signs" of cancer, but she still doesn't know what's wrong with her.

She said: “The doctors told me my cervix is clear of blood now and there were no signs of cancer. It only left me with more questions though. Yes, I had nothing to worry about in that respect but it doesn’t explain the constant pain.”

The reality TV star is considering undergoing a hysterectomy - an operation to remove the uterus - in a bid to alleviate her pain.

She said: “The tests showed there’s no cancer in my cervix, which is great news and put my mind at ease a bit, but the pain hasn’t stopped.

“It’s made me consider a hysterectomy. I’m at an age where I don’t want any more kids so if it could help with the constant pain I’m in, then I’m seriously thinking about it.”