Shelley Hennig

  • 06 July 2007



'Unfriended' Offers Olive-Branch To Weekend Cinemagoers

By Michael West in Movies / TV / Theatre on 30 April 2015

Shelley Hennig

'Unfriended' might be worth a shot on a poor weekend at the box-office.

It took a lot not to sneer at the trailer for Unfriended. Surely just another low-budget, hammy, opportunist horror flick looking to hose up the undecided cinemagoers and make a quick buck. Yet, the critical reaction to Levan Gabriadze's movie has been intriguingly positive.

Unfriended has scored reasonably good reviews from critics

It tells the story of a group of online chat room friends who find themselves haunted by a mysterious, supernatural force using the account of their dead friend.

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Unfriended Review

By Rich Cline


The main achievement of this gimmicky horror is that it manages to hit all of the essential scary movie beats as the story unfolds in real time on a computer screen. Essentially a combination of the found footage and teen slasher genres, the movie relies a bit too much on loud noises for its most frightening moments, but director Leval Gabriadze also builds a terrific sense of suspense as the plot escalates. And by presenting it on a normal laptop screen, the film both looks fresh and has an eerie timeliness.