Irene Jacob

  • 31 October 2005



Dying Of The Light - Trailer

Trapped in a terrorist prison and tortured, Evan Lake (Nicholas Cage) is eventually free and makes his way back to the United States and the CIA where he works. Becoming a hero for surviving and not revealing any secrets throughout his imprisonment, Lake's protégé, Milton Schultz, (Anton Yelchin) discovers that the man who held him hostage - the villainous terrorist Banir (Alexander Karim) - is alive and still active. After announcing to his supervisors the revelation, it is discovered that Lake is beginning to suffer from dementia and is faced with early retirement. But unable to leave a job undone, Lake and Schultz take it upon themselves to bring Banir to justice; fuelled by both the intent for justice and revenge.

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Othello Review

By Christopher Null


Seldomly have I been so outright disappointed by a film. Othello's problems are numerous, and given the outstanding cast put together for the film (and an admitted masterpiece to work with), it's amazing that this film comes off as being so downright bad.The story's been around for 400 years. Othello (Lawrence Fishburne) is a Moorish general in the Italian army, and he is the victim of constant prejudice. Desdemona (Irene Jacob) is his Italian lover, and when the pair secretly marry, Othello finds himself the victim of a fiendish plot by his servant Iago (Kenneth Branagh). Iago's motives are also magnified by the presence of young Cassio (Nathaniel Parker), who serves as Othello's right-hand man despite Iago's longer term of service.

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