Review of So Divided Single by And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
So Divided
Single Review

And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead So Divided Single

Anyone familiar with Trail of Dead's previous material will most probably find themselves ejecting the CD from the player after about 5 minutes to check what's going on, and to confirm that they've got the right CD. Rarely does a band's sound progress so much over a couple of albums that they actually sound like a different band, but this appears to be the case with Trail of Dead.

The dense, dark, rocking sound found on albums such a Source Tags and Code is gone, replaced by something rather indefinable really. There is no real coherence to the sound, other than in its general weakness and poor songwriting.

The only worthwhile song appears to be "Stand in Silence", but even this sounds like a Feeder B-side. A most confusing, and ultimately really disappointing effort.

Richard Edge

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