Andy Samberg is set to star in a pilot for a comedy series on FOX, penned by the writing duo of Mike Shur and Dan Goor of Parks and Recreation fame.  

Samberg, who is one of Hollywood’s breakout comedy actors of the past five years, left his cushy gig at Saturday Night Live just last May and has had a number of parts since then, with varying degrees of success. This is Fox’s first pilot order for fall 2013 and it sounds intriguing to say the least.

The show is billed as a single-camera comedy about "diverse group of detectives in a precinct at the very edge of New York City". In it, Samberg will play the lead detective, a role, which Shur and Goor wrote specifically for him. It sounds a bit like CSI with a comedic twist, but, good or bad, this one will certainly be original (well, as original as a cop comedy can be). And, with the networks – ABC and NBC especially – pulling out all the stops of late, not to mention the huge volume entertainment instantly available online, Fox certainly needs to come out with something original to stay relevant. And let’s not forget that Samberg did in fact emerge as one of the stars of Youtube with The Lonely Island. So perhaps this new show will be exactly the breath of fresh air network execs are no doubt looking for? We’ll have to wait until this fall season to see.