Cara Delevingne was ''saved'' from her stress-induced psoriasis by Kate Moss.

The model-turned-actress suffered from the skin condition during the early stages of her career because of her hectic working schedule, and despite turning to medical experts for help, it was Kate who ultimately rescued her.

The London-born star shared: ''I had no concept of saying no to anyone, ever.

''After a while I got sick and got a condition called psoriasis. I felt disconnected from myself, but my agency simply shoved me into a doctor's surgery, where I got cortisone shots, but - in reality - I wanted someone to stop me, but nobody did.

''I never felt like I was good enough, that I deserved success. I felt like I was living somebody else's dream. Kate Moss saved me - she stepped in and picked me up off the floor at a stressful time.''

Cara, 23, subsequently turned to writing and yoga as a means of dealing with her stress.

The 'Paper Towns' actress said: ''At that point I started writing and found yoga. At first I just did it superficially because I wanted to be flexible, but when I first started seeing my tutor I broke through something.

''We were both chanting and I suddenly burst into tears. I looked at him [the tutor] thinking he was a monster - an evil man - for making me cry. But he just laughed.

''See, it wasn't him at all, it was me. Now, we still practice together and I've evolved as a person.''