'Blue Jasmine' depicts the story of a New York socialite who is forced to move into her sisters lower-middle class apartment in San Diego after the luxurious lifestyle she loved was suddenly taken from her. The arrival of Jasmine in San Diego is deceiving as she looks like the a million but doesn't have a dime to her name.

Blue Jasmine
Kate Blanchet is predicted an Oscar win for her protrayal of Jasmine

Australian actress Cate Blanchet stars as the millionaire socialite, Jasmin Francis and there is an Oscar buzz surrounding her performance, she is the current 1/3 favourite for 'Best Actress' and many believe that if she doesn't, it will be one of the biggest Oscar snubs in history.

The critics are in unanimously praising Woody Allen's latest film with Ben Sachs from the Chicago Reader stating "The film also benefits from one of the strongest casts he's assembled in years: Cate Blanchett is exceptional in the lead, and there are strong supporting turns from Alec Baldwin, Sally Hawkins, and (in a surprise dramatic turn) Andrew Dice Clay".

Ann hordaday from the Washington Post praises Blanchet's portrayal of Jasmine as she "owns this movie as thoroughly as her character owns her delusions".

Watch the 'Blue Jasmine' tralier here

However there are few critics who think Allen rushed certain scenes in the story telling process as Andrew L. Urban from Urban Cinefile said "Allen has chosen to tell this story in slices, cutting back and forth in time ... only works to a degree; for one thing, it robs many scenes of their full emotional payoff".

Rick Kisonack from Film Threat ruthlessly slammed the drama- "After all the great things I'd heard, I felt like I must've stumbled into the wrong theater as I watched the sloppy, misanthropic sitcom that is Blue Jasmine".

Overall Blue Jasmine is one to watch out for as the Oscar season approaches and the comedy-drama will be right in the mix with some of the best films of 2013. Thomas Caldwell from Cinema Autopsy sums up what the majority of critics thought after watching 'Blue Jamsine'. "Blue Jasmine is one of Allen's cleverest and most compassionate films, making it also one of his greatest"

'Blue Jasmine' is set for a UK cinema release on 27th September 2013.

Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin co-stars alongside Cate Blanchett