Charlie Sheen does not handle rejection well - at all. Sheen took to Twitter to vent his fury at singer Rihanna who declined his request to be introduce his fiancé, Brett Rossi AKA Scottine Ross.

Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen took to Twitter to complain about Rihanna.

The couple appear to have been dining at a restaurant to celebrate Ross' birthday when they noticed Rihanna was also present. As Sheen explained on Thursday (22nd May) via Twitter, "I sent a request over to her table to introduce my fiancé Scotty to her, as she is a 

huge fan." Rihanna allegedly sent over a reply in which she declined to meet "Scotty" as there was "too many paps outside and it just wasn't possible at this time." Sheen ranted about the likelihood of bumping into Rihanna again and how upset Ross was as a result of Rihanna's rejection. He, somewhat cringingly, added "Sorry we're not KOOL enough to warrant a blessing from the Princess."

Read More: Who Would Marry Charlie Sheen? Brett Rossi, And Three Others Before Her.

Sheen continued by claiming he had been so successful for "31 years" as a result of having common courtesy and obeying "the code of gratitude". Although he is only 48, Sheen's comments do appear to belong to a stereotype of someone considerably older.

The former Two and a Half Men actor went a step too far and began to personally attack Rihanna's appearance at the restaurant. Rihanna has recently begun to wear a short bright pink wig over her long dark hair. Sheen commented on her appearance, claiming she was testing her "Halloween costume" out in public. He also implied rearranging her wig was the reason why she could not spare the "84 seconds" to speak to his fiancé.

Rihanna appeared unconcerned by Sheen's comments.

Sheen doesn't appear to consider why Rihanna might not want to be introduced to Sheen or his former porn star fiancé. For one, Rihanna was seemingly enjoying a dinner out with friends which must be a rare relaxing moment considering she is followed everywhere by the paparazzi. Furthermore, Sheen is constantly garners publicity for being irate and seemingly unable to make friends - or find girlfriends - beyond those working within the adult entertainment industry. Perhaps, for once, Rihanna didn't want to be bothered by her fans no matter how famous or, in Sheen's case, infamous.

Read More: Two And A Half Men Ending Next Season - Will Charlie Sheen Be Back?

Rihanna responded to Sheen's comments, indeed referencing his appearance as a caricature of an elderly man. Rihanna wrote on Twitter "If that old queen don't get ha diapers out of a bunch..."

Sheen's full message reads: 

'So, I took my gal out to dinner last night with her best friends for her B'day. We heard Rihanna was present as well. I sent a request over to her table to introduce my fiancé Scotty to her, as she is a huge fan (personally I couldn't pick her out of a line-up at gunpoint). 

Well, the word we received back was that there were too many paps outside and it just wasn't possible at this time.

At this time? AT THIS TIME?? 

Lemme guess, we're to reschedule another random

11 million to 1 encounter

with her some other night...?

No biggie for me; it would have been 84 interminable seconds of chugging Draino and "please kill me now" that I'd never get back.

My Gal, however, was NOT OK with it. Nice impression you left behind, Bday or not. Sorry we're not KOOL enough to warrant a blessing from the Princess (or in this case the Village idiot).

You see THIS is the reason that I ALWAYS take the time. THIS is why I'm in this thing 31 awesome years. Good will and common courtesy, carefully established over time to exist radically in concert with a code of gratitude!

I guess "Talk That Talk" was just a big ol' lie from a big ol' liar.

Oh and Rihanna, Halloween isn't for a while. But good on you for testing out your costume in public. It's close; a more muted pink might be the answer, as in: none.

See ya on the way down, (we always do) and actually, it was a pleasure NOT meeting you. Clearly we have NOTHING in common when it comes to respect for those who've gone before you. I'm guessing you needed those precious 84 seconds to situate that bad wig before you left the restaurant.

Here's a tip from a real vet of this terrain; If ya don't wanna get bothered DONT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE! And if this "Prison of Fame" is soooooooo unnerving and difficult, then QUIT, junior!'

Georgia Jones
Sheen with his previous girlfriend - of only last year - Georgia Jones.