After intense promotion, Guardians of the Galaxy emerged from the weekend a box office record holder. With $94 million, Guardians had the biggest August opening ever. Which begs the question – now that Chris Pratt (aka Peter Quill, aka Star Lord) is a legit movie star, will he hold on to it?

Chris Pratt, Guardians of the Galaxy
Well, he's got the heroic glare down pat.

Pratt was the only “wild card” going into the project. His previous role, on Parks & Rec, made him a fan favorite, but lacked the exposure needed to launch a successful film career.

However, in recent interviews, Pratt has made it sound like he doesn’t care about the big screen transition all that much. In fact, it’s only recently that Pratt has realized the monumental success Guardians could bring.

Watch the Guardians trailer below. 


"In London, during production, I had a hunch we were doing something special, but you don't know if you're deluding yourself by having those feelings. You have to lower your expectations so that you're not heartbroken if the movie comes out different. The truth is you just can't tell if it's going to be good.” He told the Huffington Post. “In the course of the filming, I was worried. I didn't know if it was going to be as good as it is. I was just so relieved when I saw it. I loved it. I could tell it was very, very special.”

More: Ok, So It's Official: Guardians Of The Galaxy Is The Best Marvel Movie, Ever

Guardians of the Galaxy, Bradley Cooper
Oh and here's a talking racoon, because everyone needs one in their day.

So what’s next for Pratt? He is still working on Parks & Recreation, which will air its seventh and final season in 2015. After that, he is rumored to star in the fourth installment in the Jurassic Park series, Jurassic World, alongside Josh Brolin and Idris Elba.