In 2002, Woody Harrelson was arrested by police in London following a chase after an unknown mishap in a taxi. He was later released on bail and wound up paying the taxi driver £550, after which the case was dismissed. While it was not his first run in with the law, it was still a bizarre and wild moment for the 'True Detective' star, who decided to use inspiration from this 'funny' moment of his life for an original movie.
Entitled 'Lost In London', Harrelson explores his experience with the law 15 years ago in this unique film venture which marks the very first live movie to ever be created. To be shot in less than two hours, it will be streamed live in cinemas everywhere on January 19th 2017. It's a comedy, directed and written by the star in his filmmaking debut, with fellow actor Owen Wilson and country singer Willie Nelson also making appearances in the movie. It's unclear just how Harrelson is going to recreate that old adventure in a live movie, but it's very likely that he'll embark on some new mishap which will see him clapped in handcuffs once again. Taxi drivers everywhere better beware.
Starring: Woody Harrelson, Owen Wilson, David Avery, Willie Nelson, Martin McCann, Nathan Willcocks