It's all going on for Aronofsky and 'Noah'
Darren Aronofsky’s Noah was never going to fly under the radar. The film, based on the intrepid Noah from Genesis, essentially flies in the face of religion, which was a sticky issue for Paramount, who cut the film up into so many iterations it’s doubtful anyone knows which version made it to cinemas.
Noah has garnered a mixed response in Mexico
But, whichever version made it to Mexican cinemas, it wasn’t exactly perfect. Before the film, Aronoksky told the audience: "It's a very, very different movie," he said. "Anything you're expecting, you're f---ing wrong." Well, perhaps swearing didn’t set the right tone as some critics felt it dragged on, while others just simply didn’t like it. Others planned on positive reviews. Like we said, mixed signals.
‘Noah’s’ mixed Mexican reception comes as The New Yorker revealed one of its hilarious cuts, which featured an opening montage comprising religious images and – wait for it – a Christian rock song. The final cut, non-Christians/cinephiles will be happy to hear, is the least religion-friendly of them all.
"Noah is the least biblical biblical film ever made," Aronofsky is quoted as saying. "I don't give a f*ck about the test scores! My films are outside the scores. Ten men in a room trying to come up with their favourite ice cream are going to agree on vanilla. I'm the rocky road guy."
Despite all this, the publicity surrounding religious outrage and numerous cuts has got people talking, which is expected to translate into cold hard American dollars when the film is released on March 28. Variety say insiders predict a $35m opening, but the smart money is on something $40m+.
Watch the trailer for Noah here
“The film was made for believers and non-believers,” Aronofsky told Variety. “I’m more concerned about getting non-believers into the theater or people who are less religious. A lot of people are thinking, ‘Oh. I don’t want to go see a Bible movie,’ but we completely shook up all expectations and people will see that as soon as they sit down and watch the movie.”
Darren Aronofsky doesn't make fluffy movies, and has only had one genuine misfire (2014's Noah)....
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