The sitcom Peep Show began airing on Channel 4 in 2003. Starring David Mitchell and Robert Webb, the comedy series exposes the lead character’s deepest anxieties, as well as their most shallow (and comical) thoughts. It’s hailed as one of the few comedy shows that really exposes the inner workings of the mind of the modern male and thus, it’s charm has endured for seven seasons and it’s about to embark on an eighth.
The Telegraph described Peep Show as “Channel 4’s most celebrated sitcom since Father Ted.” As its lead characters, Mark (Mitchell) and Jeremy (Webb) get older, their ongoing struggles with women… and, indeed, with life itself, are starting to become more darkly comic than before. After all, someone in their twenties, struggling to figure out the complexities of life is understandably funny. Someone in their late thirties, still having the same problems? well, that’s just sad, right? As Michael Deacon explains, for The Telegraph, “the older its two central characters grow, the bleaker it gets. It was bleak enough to begin with – but now that the feckless flatmates are approaching middle age, Peep Show is threatening to drag British comedy into a whole new realm of failure and neurosis.”
Peep Show’s biggest TV audience to date is a mere 1.8 million, yet it has been lauded with awards such as BAFTAs, British Comedy Awards and the Rose d’Or. You can expect season eight to be every bit as enticing as the previous seven.
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