'Jurassic Park 4' has been delayed indefinitely.The fourth installment in the dinosaur adventure series - which is being directed by Colin Trevorrow and produced by Steven Spielberg - had been scheduled for release in June...
The first trailer for 'Precious' director Lee Daniels' new movie The Butler starring Forest Whitaker has rolled out online and Harvey Weinstein's ambitions of taking this film all the way to the Oscars couldn't be...
Actor David Oyelowo has heaped praise on Zoe Saldana's portrayal of singer Nina Simone in a new biopic, insisting his co-star will blow away critics with her vocals.Cynthia Mort, the director of the upcoming film...
Nicole Kidman refused to utter the 'N- word' when shooting new film The Paperboy, according to her co-star David Oyelowo.Following the recent release of Quentin Tarantino film Django Unchained, the use of the 'N-word' has...