BBC Two has decided against renewing newsroom drama The Hour for a third series, the corporation has confirmed. The show, starring Dominic West and Ben Whishaw, followed the lives of fictional BBC journalists at the...
Rowan Atkinson, the British actor best known for his comic turns in Johnny English, Blackadder and Mr Bean, has received astonishingly good reviews for his first serious stage role in 25 years. Atkinson, 58, plays...
Dominic West and The Hour returned to television screens in the UK last night (November 14) as the show continued to struggle to move away from comparisons to US drama Mad Men.Set around the fictional...
Jez Butterworth's new play The River opened at the Royal Court, London, this week, and has been winning high praise from critics. The play is essentially a story about fishing and follows a nameless man...
With Skyfall already proving to be a hit with audience and critics alike, speculation is already being place on who might replace Daniel Craig as James Bond, with The Wire's Idris Elba the front-runner to...
Actor Dominic West was the toast of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (Bafta) TV Awards on Sunday (27May12) after scoring a top prize for his creepy portrayal of serial killer Fred West.The...
It's bad news for a film if one its stars admits that he found the story difficult to follow, but that was Dominic West 's assessment of latest Disney flop 'John Carter.' The film is...
Dominic West always watches his own TV shows and films.The 'John Carter' actor doesn't enjoy seeing himself on screen, but thinks it is important to review his performances and find out if all of his...
British actor Dominic West had the time of his life shooting new movie John Carter on location in Utah - because he and his co-stars turned their motel into a "frathouse", holding big parties every...
Dominic West has won rave reviews for his role in Shakespeare's Othello after opening the show at his hometown theatre.The actor plays villainous Iago in the production opposite his The Wire co-star Clarke Peters as...
Rebecca Hall is in negotiations to take the lead role in 'Shadow Dancer'. The 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' star has entered talks to play the role of a former Irish Republican Army terrorist who becomes an...
Dominic West has got married.The British actor - who is best known for his role as detective Jimmy McNulty in hit US drama 'The Wire' - tied the knot with long-term partner Catherine Fitzgerald at...
THE WIRE star DOMINIC WEST and British supermodel KATE MOSS have designed their own prints of iconic landmark the London Eye to raise money for charity.Other celebrities including Jude Law's ex-wife Sadie Frost and British...
DOMINIC WEST was once injured while participating in Spain's Running of the Bulls - by a patrolling policeman wielding a truncheon.The Wire star admits he is a daredevil but was terrified of being trampled or...