Elijah Wood was shocked when Hollywood hellraiser Jack Nicholson told him he walked out of the final The Lord Of The Rings movie.

THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING opened in 2003 to glowing reviews and huge box office takings, but Nicholson couldn't sit through the whole movie - and he had no problem letting Wood know.

Wood tells FHM, "I was waiting to present an award, and Jack Nicholson was backstage with Dustin Hoffman. Jack started talking about Lord Of The Rings. He said, 'God, it's so long. What happened to you at the end?' And I was like, 'Wait a second - you didn't watch the end of the film?'

"He's like, 'No, I was in the car waiting for the kids. There were too many damn endings.' Dustin Hoffman stood there laughing his a*s off."