Review of Paint Your Target Single by Fightstar


Fightstar - Paint Your Target - Single Review

Fightstar - Paint Your Target - Single Review

Paint Your Target

Good old Charlie Simpson has done himself proud. He has been in one of the most popular pop bands of recent years, gained fans, women’s admiration, seen the world, had number 1 hits, had fun with all his friends and generally done stuff that others would love to do.

This all sounds great, but could you live with the knowledge that you helped create songs such as “crashed the wedding”. When you think about it, maybe I should listen to the tune for what it is, just a tune no matter who sings it. But with the music Charlie is dealing with, being Emo, you just can’t get away form it usually I would let it slip but all you can think about is Busted when you here his voice.

If you like Busted and are looking for a progression in the rock realm this could be a nice easy introduction. However if rock is your thing I would recommend you go else were.


Alex Parker
