The cast and crew of forthcoming thriller 'Beyond The Reach' including producer Robert Mitas, director Jean Baptiste Leonetti, and stars Jeremy Irvine and Michael Douglas, discuss the making of the movie in a new featurette. Everyone had a lot of praise for the two leading actors.
'Working with Michael Douglas is easy and tough', Leonetti admitted. 'Easy because you are working with a great professional, very experienced; tough because you have to know exactly what you want.' Douglas was equally appraising of Irvine, especially given the stunts he has to go through. 'He's basically stripped down to his underwear and has to barefoot walk across a desert in blazing heat and freezing nights', he explains. 'The amount of stamina, the amount of guts and the amount of tenacity that Jeremy had was inspirational to all of us.'
Starring: Michael Douglas, Jeremy Irvine, Hanna Mangan Lawrence, Ronny Cox, Patricia Bethune, Martin Palmer, David Garve