When devoted Christian Josh Wheaton begins his college year, he has no idea that he would be facing a huge personal battle when his philosophy teacher Professor Radisson heartlessly tries to force him to throw his religion aside for the sake of the course. While everyone else in room willingly follows instruction and writes God Is Dead on their sheets of paper, Josh finds himself unable to dismiss his faith that easily, incurring Mr Radission's annoyance. With no desire to drop the subject, he has to pass the semester, but in order to do so he must present a convincing argument about the existence of God. If he does not manage to change the atheistic minds of all his classmates, he will no doubt fail the class thus ruining his future plans.
'God's Not Dead' is a Christian drama about tackling challenges to your faith and the power of free decision-making. It has been directed by Harold Cronk ('Silver Bells', 'Jerusalem Countdown', 'The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Treasure') and written by Hunter Dennis ('Redemption'), Chuck Konzelman ('Point Blank') and Cary Solomon ('Earth vs. the Spider'). It is scheduled for release in the US on March 21st 2014.
Starring: Shane Harper, Willie Robertson, Kevin Sorbo, David A.R. White, Korie Robertson, Marco Khan, Dean Cain, Cory Oliver, Trisha LaFache, Jim Gleason, Lindsey G. Smith, Andrew Vogel, Wendy Miklovic, Shawn M. Richardz, Hadeel Sittu, Alexia Pearl, Tommy Blaze, Lisa Arnold, Ray Gaspard, Jay Caputo, Maddie Nichols, Benjamin Ochieng, Shauna Rappold, Debby Gaudet, Jesse Yarborough, Maison Briley, Alex Aristidis, Renee Pezzotta, Taylor Roppolo, Lisa Hampton, Ross Britz
Official Site - http://godsnotdeadthemovie.com