Gridiron Gang
Columbia Pictures' Gridiron Gang tells the gritty and powerfully emotional story of juvenile detention camp probation officer Sean Porter (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson), who, along with another officer, Malcolm Moore (Xzibit), turns a group of hardcore teenage felons into a high school football team in four weeks. Confronted with gang rivalries and bitter hatred between his teammates, Porter teaches some hard lessons (and learns a few himself) as the kids gain a sense of self-respect and responsibility.
In a world where 75% of these juvenile inmates return to prison or meet with violent ends on the streets, Porter and Moore face seemingly insurmountable barriers. No one wants to compete against convicted criminals, but through relentless pursuit and a jolt of inspiration, Porter and his team fight their way to redemption and a second chance.
Based on a true story, Gridiron Gang sends out a message that one man can make a difference and the most hopeless kids in our society can change the course of their lives through hard work, commitment and bold leadership.
Columbia Pictures' Presents In Association With Relativity Media An Original Film Production Gridiron Gang starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Xzibit, Kevin Dunn and Leon Rippy. The film is directed by Phil Joanou and written by Jeff Maguire based on the documentary Gridiron Gang. Neal H. Moritz and Lee Stanley are the producers. Michael Rachmil, Shane Stanley, Ryan Kavanaugh and Lynwood Spinks are the executive producers. The director of photography is Jeff Cutter. The production designer is Floyd Albee. The editor is Joel Negron. The co-producer is Amanda Cohen. The costume designer is Sanja Milkovic Hays. The music is by Trevor Rabin.
Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Dunn, Leon Rippy, Xzibit, L. Scott Caldwell, Jade Yorker, Setu Taase, Trever O'Brien
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