Hell or High Water is an American heist crime film which follows the journey of two brothers Toby (Chris Pine) and Tanner (Ben Foster) on a bank-robbing mission in order to save their West Texas family farm. This film, directed by David Mackenzie, sees the brothers calculate a series of robberies on banks in order to raise a sum of cash that they need in order to ensure their family farm's security.
However these bank raids don't go unnoticed as they catch the attention of West Texas Ranger (Jeff Bridges) on his final case to solve, before he retires from the service. He becomes infatuated with solving this crime and won't rest until he finds the people responsible for disrupting the community's peace.
Starring: Chris Pine, Ben Foster, Jeff Bridges, Katy Mixon, Buck Taylor, Dale Dickey, Marin Ireland, Kevin Rankin, Gil Birmingham, Lora Martinez-Cunningham