Jason Bourne comes as the fifth instalment in the revival of Bourne to our screens where the film sees the return of Matt Damon as the protagonist and its returning director Paul Greengrass. Bourne is a former secret agent who has previously failed to understand his own identity and battles with a constant process of finding out new information about himself. In this sequel Bourne is once again at war with the people that have turned him into the man he is and struggles to cope with the sheer amount of pressure he is put under from the state.
A new mission has been deployed and Bourne finds himself in another situation that leaves him at the front of an attack from the authorities because of the threat he is to the public. After covertly downloading important documents Jason becomes the forefront of their investigation and is soon named their number one target. CIA boss Robert Dewery advises Bourne that he won't find peace until he admits to himself who he really is, hard facts that Bourne finally has to face up to.
Starring: Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, Alicia Vikander, Vincent Cassel, Tommy Lee Jones, Riz Ahmed, Ato Essandoh, Scott Shepherd