Clark Kent is a mysterious young journalist who as adopted as a child by Martha and Jonathan Kent in a small, rural town in Kansas. However, he is an outcast on the planet Earth who possesses extraordinary alien powers because he was born on the planet Krypton; a planet that was destroyed when he was a baby. While he has tried his best all his life to fit in, his super-abilities inevitably come out when he prevents a tragic disaster as a teenager. As an adult, his new home is confronted by his own race who wish to destroy it and the time for hiding his powers away is over. He must use his gift to be the world's ultimate ally and defend it from forces human beings never dared wish existed.
'Man of Steel' is the brand new reboot of the 80s 'Superman' film series. It has been directed by Zack Snyder ('300', 'Watchmen', 'Sucker Punch') with production from his wife and frequent collaborator Deborah Snyder alongside 'The Dark Knight' trilogy producers Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas and Charles Roven. This epic new super-flick is based on the DC comic book characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and written by David S. Goyer. It will hit the UK this summer on June 14th 2013.
Starring: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Antje Traue, Ayelet Zurer, Christopher Meloni, Russell Crowe, Jadin Gould, Dylan Sprayberry, Tahmoh Penikett, Michael Kelly, David Paetkau, Richard Schiff, Harry Lennix -