Watch the trailer for Motherhood
What Does Motherhood Mean to Me? A question all mom's might think has a relatively simple answer but when the question is really thought about turns out to be more of a minefield than first thought. This is the question mother of two and ex-fiction writer Eliza tries to answer in Motherhood. Not for a deeper purpose than to win a competition in an upscale parenting magazine. Giving up her successful career to become a fulltime mother was a huge step for Eliza and now her main creative outlet is her blog, on which she inadvertently published some of her best friends biggest secrets, a wrong that needs righting immediately as well as arranging her daughters sixth birthday party and looking after her toddler son. So, it's just a normal day in the life of an inner-city mom.
Directed by: Katherine Dieckmann
Starring: Uma Thurman, Minnie Driver and Anthony Edwards