In the small Australian town of Nathgari, the Parker family are trying to adjust to their new life. Catherine (Nicole Kidman) and Matthew (Joseph Fiennes) keep to themselves most of the time, but when their teenage children, Tommy (Nicholas Hamilton) and Lilly (Maddison Brown) disappear into the desert, their lives are changed forever. When a search is begun by one of the town's policemen David Rae (Hugo Weaving), the Parkers join in. And when a terrible dust storm spreads across the town, the locals begin to blame the Parkers for meddling in ancient Aboriginal traditions. As the summer comes and the heat begins to rise, the Parkers are forced to clear their name while they might still have a chance to save their children.
'Strangerland' is an upcoming Australian thriller from director Kim Farrant in her directorial debut. The film was announced on 20th October 2013, with principle photography beginning on 31st March 2014. The film is set to appear in theatres in 2015, having premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on 23th January 2015, and later at the Belgrade Film Festival in Serbia on 6th March 2015.
Starring: Nicole Kidman, Hugo Weaving, Joseph Fiennes, Sean Keenan, Maddison Brown, Benedict Hardie, Meyne Wyatt, Taylor Ferguson, Megan Alston, Lisa Flanagan, Nicholas Hamilton, Ben Wood, Martin Dingle Wall