In rural England during the First World War, a horse named Joey befriends a young boy called Albert. One day Joey is sold to the cavalry and sent to the trenches in France, seeing firsthand the horrors of the Great War, yet touching the hearts of everyone he meets, including a French farmer, a German soldier and the British army. Although too young to enlist, 16 year old Albert joins the army and heads to France to find his friend.
War Horse is based on the Michael Morpurgo novel of the same name, which was published in 1982. It was adapted into a play in 2007 and premiered in London, with a Broadway production premiering in April and winning five Tony awards, including Best Play.
War Horse is directed by Steven Spielberg, whose other films include ET, Schindler's List and the Indiana Jones franchise. The screenplay is written by Richard Curtis, who also wrote the screenplays for the films Love Actually and Bridget Jones' Diary. War Horse will be released in the US at the end of this year and in the UK at the start of next year.
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Starring: Benedict Cumberbatch, David Thewlis, Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson, Peter Mullan, Tom Hiddleston, Toby Kebbell, Eddie Marsan, David Kross, Johnny Harris, Geoff Bell, Niels Arestrup and Nicolas Bro