Set in 1947, 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' is the story of how cartoon characters known as 'toons' can interact with the living human society. However, after compromising pictures of the human owner of Toontown and Hollywood toon star Roger Rabbit's wife Jessica emerge, he is set up for his subsequent grisly murder and things get tense between the toon world and the real world. Toon hating detective Eddie Valiant is hired to investigate but winds up helping Roger after discovering that he is being framed for a crime he didn't commit. His investigations lead him to the mysterious Judge Doom who's own nature in the toon community is formidable with having found a way to destroy them.
This classic triple Oscar and BAFTA winning animation/ live action crime comedy is set to be re-released on Blu-Ray for the first time ever in celebration of the movie's 25th Anniversary of release. This seminal 1988 flick starring the legendary Bob Hoskins and directed by Robert Zemeckis ('Back to the Future', 'Forrest Gump', 'Cast Away') in the adaptation from Gary K. Wolf's novel 'Who Censored Roger Rabbit?', has been stunningly re-mastered in high-definition and will be brought to you on March 12th 2013.
Starring: Bob Hoskins, Christopher Lloyd, Joanna Cassidy, Charles Fleischer, Stubby Kaye, Alan Tilvern, Joel Silver