Frank Ocean has treated fans to a brand new track just out of the blue... well, not really. In fact, Frank has actually released a track that was supposed to be in the upcoming film Django Unchained, but didn't quite make the cut.
Quentin Tarantino, the film's writer/director/producer, found that the song didn't quite fit in with any scene in his film and as such didn't see fit to put it in just to make sure he didn't hurt Ocean's feelings. Luckily for them both though, Ocean doesn't seem too bothered about the snub and he has uploaded the track to his Tumblr so his fans can listen to it still.
Speaking to Fuse, Tarantino said that he wanted to include the song but unfortunately there was no part of the film that it would fit in to. He said, "Frank Ocean wrote a fantastic ballad that was truly lovely and poetic in every way, there just wasn't a scene for it. I could have thrown it in quickly just to have it, but that's not why he wrote it and not his intention. So I didn't want to cheapen his effort. But, the song is fantastic, and when Frank decides to unleash it on the public, they'll realize it then."
On his Tumblr, along with the track, Ocean offered his own little appraisal of the film and director, writing: "django was ill without it." Yes, that is ill in the positive sense.
Listen to 'Wise Man':