As well as being a success Hollywood actress, Gwyneth Paltrow has garnered another fan base for promoting health benefits on her popular lifestyle website, GOOP, which includes tips on detox-juicing and yoga.

Gwyneth Paltrow
Paltrow was scorned for telling women to steam their vaginas

But when Paltrow recommended that women should steam their vaginas in order to feel cleansed, even endorsing the Mugwort V-Steam procedure at Tikkun Spa in Santa Monica, health experts were quick to slam the idea.

"The real golden ticket here is the Mugwort V-Steam," the 42-year-old actress wrote in a recent post on her site. "You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al."

Paltrow went on to explain that the V-Steam is "an energetic release - not just a steam douche - that balances female hormone levels. If you're in LA, you have to do it."

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But Dr Jen Gunter, who is an expert in vulvovaginal disorders and a certified obstetrician and gynaecologis, is adamant Paltrow's latest piece of advice is not good for a woman's health, nor is it advisable.

"Steam is probably not good for your vagina. Herbal steam is no better and quite possibly worse," Dr. Grunter wrote in her own blog post. "Mugwort of wormwood or whatever when steamed, either vaginally or on the vulva, can't possibly balance any reproductive hormones, regulate your menstrual cycle, treat depression, or cure infertility."

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D.r Grunter also slammed the Oscar-winner's claims that the steam "cleanses your uterus," she wrote, "Steam isn't going to get into your uterus from your vagina unless you are using an attachment with some kind of pressure. Most definitely never, ever do that."