The X-Men stars who were present at this year's monumental Comic-Con included writers Simon Kinberg and Omar Sy, as well as Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, director Bryan Singer, Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicolas Hoult, Peter Dinklage, Evan Peters, with producers Lauren Shula Donner and Hutch Parker.

Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman: Always Ready To Break Into Song.

Hugh Jackman, AKA Wolverine, took centre stage as arguably the most memorable and distinctive character in the long-running franchise. Describing his role as Wolverine as "the job that has defined [his]career...every day [he's] grateful," he added "I thank my lucky stars" before he and X-Men director Bryan Singer engaged in a spot of snuggling.

Peter Dinklage
Peter Dinklage & His Infamously Coiffed Hair.

In reference to the question of time travel that takes precedence in X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Singer recalled his own childhood: "I grew the seventies and I'd forgotten how hideous some of the clothing was back then" "Woah, woah woah!" bellows James McAvoy, "I look incredible in this film; I just want that out there," to screams from the female members of the Comic-Con audience. "They make it look quite good," concedes Singer, "but Peter Dinklage looks like my father in this film," he admits before breaking of into hysterics of laughter. "I'm THAT handsome," replies Dinklage, "Wow," whilst other members of the cast mull over the lustrous barnet that is Dinklage's hair, admiring how he didn't need a wig for the seventies-style hairdo he shows off in the new movie.

Bryan Singer
Bryan Singer & Hugh Jackman: A Little Bromance, Non?

Next, a nervous fan took the microphone to ask Hugh Jackman a carefully thought-out question: "You've starred in both musicals and big budget films; what unique characteristics do you bring to each of the different mediums?" "Groove, yes, groove," replies Jackman to giggles from within the audience. "I can tell you there won't be any singing as Wolverine - I can tell you that right now," he announces to audible lamentation from the crowd. With disbelief, Jackman said "Really? You really want Wolverine The Musical?" to joyous whoops from everyone in the room and titillation from his fellow cast members. After a brief drumroll started by Jackman that spread round the room, the Les Misérables singer broke into spontaneous Wolverine ballad: "I'm gonna slice 'em! I'm gonna dice 'em" he sang in his distinctively tuneful vocal style as the room went wild.

James McAvoy
James McAvoy Looks "Incredible" In X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Wolverine: The Musical? Never say never people! We're sure that Jackman isn't the only one the all-star cast that has a fine set of pipes on him. Watch this space!

Watch A Clip Of The X-Men Comic-Con Panel 2013:

X Men: Days of Future Past is set for release on 22nd May 2014.