When 13.03.2014
'Frozen' star Idina Menzel signs autographs for fans as she leaves the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York following a preview for her new musical 'If/Then'. She refuses to comment after paparazzi question her about the John Travolta Oscars gaffe where he spectacularly mispronounced her name as 'Adele Dazeem'.
Her co-stars, on the other hand, had plenty to say as they greeted fans. Jason Tam said he thought that 'the whole thing's hilarious' while James Snyder insisted the pair 'share nothing but love for each other'. Jenn Colella offered sympathy for Travolta, saying, 'I can't imagine how nervous somebody might be on the Oscars. He did alright; 'Idina Menzel' doesn't just roll off the tongue', while Anthony Rapp viewed it much as 'a blessing in disguise'.