How to get into Adele's bad books

It was all set up for British sensation Adele to give a heart-warming, thankful speech, in which she marked what was a spectacular year for the powerhouse singer by appreciating everyone who helped her. The Brits suits had different ideas, funnelling the order to halt the speech in its tracks down to command line, into Corden’s ear and ultimately embarrassing both the host and the award winner.


“Here’s Blur!”, Corden sheepishly announced. But the damage was done. Adele gave the middle finger to the crowd, later confirming that it was intended for those upstairs; the ones who halted her speech not half way through. "I can't believe that's what they were asking me to do. I delayed for 15 seconds. They wanted to cut her short as time was running out," said Corden, according to The Telegraph.

Speaking after the awards Corden said: "I was furious and put in a horrible position. I went straight to Adele's dressing room and she was fine with me, but really upset. She had a speech and had a list of people she wanted to thank."

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