This week's biggest story is that Ben Affleck will play Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) in the upcoming Man of Steel sequel, opposite Henry Cavill's Clark Kent (aka Superman). There's no word on the plot or...
Leland Orser makes his directorial debut – and stars – in Morning, a film that focuses on the inner torment of two parents after their child dies. This is five days in the life of...
Jeanne Tripplehorn has joined the cast of the Cbs drama Criminal Minds, according to The Basic Instinct actress has been signed on as a regular cast member on the show, which has been running...
Playing KEVIN COSTNER's love interest in critically-mauled action film WATERWORLD left JEANNE TRIPPLEHORN so scarred she considered quitting movies for good. The Basic Instinct star admits she struggled with the way the futuristic film turned out....