When JJ Abram was first picked up to direct the first Star Trek film he studio executive at Paramount received a considerable backlash after the Lost creator admitted that he isn't even a fan of the cult series. With the release of Star Trek: Into Darkness, many are wondering if Abram's ongoing commitment to the series indicate that he has changed his mind over the game changing TV series and might now be a fan of the show, but is he?

During a recent interview with The Guardian, Abrams discussed his love/hate relationship with the franchise, admitting that his relationship to the sci-fi series has changed dramatically in the time that he has been working on it. He told the paper, in regards to his admittance that he isn't a Trekkie, "Here's the thing: it definitely put some fans off, and annoyed them. I think they think it's me saying, 'I'm better than you.' But I'm not saying that at all...I would rather be honest, and hopefully those fans who see what we've done will say: 'I'm glad the movies have been made and, if anyone cares at all, he's come to love the thing I loved for so long. Better late than never.'"

JJ Abrams
Jj Abrams doesn't know how to stop working

The movie-maker also discussed how his perception of Star Trek has also changed over the years, thanks largely to his dedication to the film. He explained that he has "come to love it by working on it" and as the years have gone by he has found himself more at home with the franchise than ever before, but still, he is a Star Wars fan at his core and Trek will never replace his love for the greatest sci-fi series of all time.

Speaking of Star Wars, Abrams briefly discussed his work on the upcoming franchise reboot, and that despite his already busy schedule he just couldn't turn down the opportunity to work on the new film. "I was so busy working on Into Darkness it was easy to say it was not possible. But the reality of it began to sink in, and when I met with Kathy Kennedy [the Lucasfilm president and Star Wars executive producer], my gut said this is not something to reject. I can't say it was a rational thing: it will turn out to be an incredibly smart or an incredibly foolish decision." Lets hope it isn't the latter.

JJ Abrams
Please JJ, don't ruin Star Wars any further, you're our only hope