If anyone was ever in any doubt about Kate Moss’s place as an icon of British fashion, they only had to look to the launch of her latest Topshop collection for confirmation. After four years away Kate Moss debuted her new collection for the high street giant on Tuesday and the demand was high, with many of the pieces having sold out already. As Topshop puts it, the icon has returned.

Kate Moss launches Topshop collectionKate Moss launches her Topshop collection

Kate Moss for Topshop launched on Tuesday evening causing a frenzy outside the brand's flagship Oxford Circus store. Fashionistas from all over the world queued for hours to be among the first to snap up some of Mossy’s signature designs. At 6.30pm Kate herself appeared in Topshop’s window, introduced by Radio 1 DJ Nick Grimshaw. Soon Topshop’s doors were opened and the most stylish stampede in London began.

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This collection marks Kate’s 15th collaboration with the brand, but her first in four years. In May 2007, when Kate was still recovering her career and reputation after a much publicised drug scandal, the first Kate Moss for Topshop collection launched. The debut collection had Kate’s unmistakable style stamp all over it, plenty of chiffon, beading and tea dresses. Every girl who had ever dreamed of having Kate’s wardrobe ran to Topshop to pick up whatever they could before the inevitable sell out.

Topshop Kate Moss LaunchFans flocked to Topshop's Oxford Circus store to snap up Kate's collection

This time round, Kate’s comeback collection might feel a little like fashion deja-vu. Designed with Katy England the 40 piece collection is heavy on fringing and beading. It has all the boho trademarks kaftans. wide leg trousers and a few very Kate statement dresses. As a collection it owes more to Kate’s personal style than anything currently on the runway, but that’s exactly what Topshop’s customers are looking for.

More: Kate Moss is loving life at 40

Already most of Kate’s collection is sold out on Topshop’s website. Less than 24 hours after the launch many pieces were up on Ebay, for a inflated price of course. With Kate having just celebrated her 40th birthday in January, there might have been those wondering if Queen Kate was still on top of British fashion. Unequivocally, the answer is yes. Just like fashion trends, models also come and go, but Kate Moss is definitely here to stay.

More: See the rest of our pictures from Kate Moss's Topshop launch

Kate Moss launches Topshop collectionKate appeared at her Topshop launch

Kate Moss and Nick GrimshawKate and pal Nick Grimshaw

Topshop owner Phillip Green and daughter ChloeTopshop owner Phillip Green and daughter Chloe

Kate Moss launches Topshop collectionKate launches her Topshop collection with a few words