Actress Kate Winslet left the set of her new movie Carnage "smelling of sick" every night after having to projectile vomit over and over again for one key scene.
The Titanic beauty stars alongside Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly and Christoph Waltz as two sets of parents who meet up after their kids are caught fighting at school, and one part sees Winslet's character, Nancy, throw up mid-discussion.
The Brit admits the excess vomit made the set rather unpleasant to work on, but she enjoyed every moment of it.
She tells People magazine, "I'm actually quite proud of my vomiting! It was everywhere: in my hair, down my cleavage, and I'd go home every night totally disgusting and smelling of sick, but I loved it."
The film, directed by Roman Polanski, is based on the hit Broadway play God of Carnage.