'Dancing With The Stars' finalist Katherine Jenkins says she has begun binge eating in a bid to get her curves back. The Welsh opera star is now smaller than a British size 6 after competing on the dance show, reports the UK's Daily Mail.
Jenkins, 31, has spent the past three months training 12 hours a day in Los Angeles, and has dropped at least three dress sizes. She says her mother Susan is encouraging her to start a high-calorie diet, consisting of chips, chocolate, pizza and ice cream. The singer explained, "To be honest, I haven't weighed myself, but I have dropped several dress sizes.I feel strong and muscly, but I do prefer myself when I'm more curvy. I like being feminine - it's more natural", adding, "I'm eating anything and everything to put on weight.Yesterday, I ate two massive salads with chips and chocolate cake and ice cream and a pizza.I haven't had a good roast dinner in ages and I really miss beans on toast". The' Dancing With The Stars' final got off to an explosive start on Monday evening (May 21, 2012), with Katherine and partner Mark Ballas laying down the gauntlet to rivals William Levy and DONALD DRIVER. The duo performed a lively freestyle and executed it perfectly, which showed in their flawless score of 60 out of 60.
The winner of this year's glitter-ball trophy will be announced on tonight's results show, with Welsh singer Jenkins the favorite to triumph.