Kelly hosted 'Silent Witness' star and comedian Liz Carr on her show 'Lorraine'.
Daytime TV host Lorraine Kelly dropped a serious clanger live on-air this morning after she referred to her guest, disabled actress Liz Carr, as having “funny bones”.
Speaking via her own morning show ‘Lorraine’ on ITV on Thursday (January 19th), the 57 year old presenter came up with an unfortunate choice of words as she was referring to Carr’s self-professed great sense of humour and attitude toward her disability.
“You’ve got funny bones,” she said by way of seguing into a conversation about Carr’s new play, a comedy called ‘Assisted Suicide: The Musical’.
Lorraine Kelly [pictured] told disabled actress Liz Carr she had "funny bones"
“That’s just my medical condition, but thanks for bringing that up!” said 44 year old Carr jokingly, who has been wheelchair-bound since the age of seven. Mortified, Lorraine quickly said “You know what I mean!” as the pair of them found the funny side of it.
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‘Silent Witness’ star Carr has a rare condition called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, which causes limb joints to randomly become fixed in a bent or straightened position. She is also a stand-up comedian, referencing her condition and society’s view of the disabled in her material in addition to her work as a disability rights campaigner.
“There's such negativity around disability, so when I knew I had to use a wheelchair, it was worse than death almost,” Carr wrote in The Guardian in 2016. “There is often hypocrisy in our obsession with language. Many people use the ‘right’ language but still see me as a cripple, if you see what I mean.”
Back on ‘Lorraine, the host commented about Carr’s role in the new musical: “You mentioned your condition, but the fact is you're there and you just happen to be in a wheelchair.” Carr agreed, replying “that’s the way it should be.”
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