The hugely popular show returns for fifth series with twelve new contestants
The twelve contestants have been announced for the upcoming series of ‘The Great British Bake-Off’. The most notable aspect of the announcement is that the new series will feature both the oldest and the youngest contestants yet: Diana from Shropshire, aged 69, will face off against 17 year old Martha from Berkshire.
The Great British Bake-Off contestants 2014: Diana (far left) is the oldest contestant; Martha (4th from left) is the youngest
Over the coming months we’ll become much better acquainted with all of this year’s contestants. The fifth series will be presented, as ever, by Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins, and the contestants’ offerings will be judged by the familiar panel of cookery writer Mary Berry and professional baker Paul Hollywood.
As the nights draw in and the afternoons get colder, ‘The Great British Bake-Off’ has in recent years become something of an autumnal institution to stand alongside ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ and ‘Downton Abbey’. Since it appeared on our screens in 2010, it’s now such a reliable ratings winner that the BBC have put even more emphasis on it, firstly by moving the show itself to BBC One for the first time, and secondly by unveiling a BBC Two counterpart programme.
‘The Great British Bake-Off: An Extra Slice’ will be presented by Jo Brand as an accompaniment and will feature celebrities reviewing the previous shows and interviews with that week’s eliminated contestant.
MORE: Our reaction to last year's series finale
The Great British Bake-Off, as ever, will be presented by Mel and Sue and judged by Mary and Paul
The new series will begin on BBC One on Wednesday 6th August.