Meghan Trainor burst onto the music scene in 2014 with her hugely successful track 'All About That Bass,' and although the song promotes a positive body image, the 21-year-old singer will not be flaunting hers anytime soon.

Mehgan Trainor
Trainor will not be flaunting her curves anytime soon

Despite many of her fellow young singers, such as Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande, who often wear provocative outfits, Trainor recently explained to MailOline why she has made an effort to keep covered up in music videos and onstage.

"I was told that I started the booty song movement but no one knows what my booty looks like,"the Massachusetts native said. "That's the trick, it's all about the mystery. I save that for my boy. Well, for whoever gets to date me one day."

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She added: "I don't like pointing it out, I don't know why. I like to keep that a secret for my future hubby."

Trainor's refusal to wear skimpy outfits came at the very start of her career when she signed with Epic Records in February 2014. "I told them you won't see me in a bathing suit. I love when Beyonce and all those girls were those body suits but I don't like showing the vagina area," she told the newspaper. "I did wear a little body suit in the 'All About That Bass' video but I was so uncomfortable."

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Despite her unwillingness to show off her curves, Trainor does not think any less of other pop stars who chose to do so. "Everyone gives Ariana Grande crap now for being too sexy but I think she's classy with it and if you've got it then rock it," she said. "I know what I've got and I know which of my area's to rock, which I do, so I don't wanna bend over in a bathing suit on stage."