The Adderall Diaries Trailer
Stephen Elliot is a writer who's lost his way. He's previously had books fictional works published but his current case of writers block is causing disruption to his output. Another increasing problem with his creativity is a growing dependency of Adderall, an ADHD medication.
As Elliott learns of a fascinating murder case, he becomes more and more drawn to the story and the convicted murderer behind the crime. Whilst investigating the case, Elliott also finds himself going through a number of personal changes. His father, who pretty much abandoned his son as a young teenager, once again appears in his life and he's also introduced to a journalist called Lana Edmond which leads to a positive relationship for a man who mainly associates females with negative experiences.
Whilst trying to piece his new novel together, Elliott finds himself on a journey of self-discovery and must take his past to pieces to reveal exactly what's true and what's been fabricated in his mind.
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