A Guide To Clockenflap 2015
It does sound like something that involves a lot of arm flailing, but in actual fact Clockenflap is Hong Kong's biggest and best music festival.
What is it?
Hong Kong's music scene isn't exactly world famous, but Clockenflap has been doing a solid job of putting it on the map for the past eight years and 2015 is no different. With the biggest artists to date and record breaking sales it's definitely growing on the international calendar as one to watch. It takes place between Friday the 27th and Sunday the 29th of November in the West Kowloon Cultural District.
Why it's great?
Other than the fact that you've got that movie scene skyline as a backdrop you mean? Okay then. Well, first of all shows in Hong Kong are polite, like organised circle pit polite. Second, it's not too big yet. Granted the site of Worthy Farm is as big as all of Hong Kong it was never going to be quite that big, but if Hong Kongers are good at anything then it's utilising space and not an inch is wasted here with art installations, stages and plenty more packed in. Third, there's no camping and as if that wasn't enough there's no mud either! Hell, it's probably at least a balmy 24 degrees outside. Did we mention you couldn't camp even if you really, really were looking forward to spending three days in piss wet through stinky tent with a snorer?
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