Natasha Hamilton has shared the secrets to maintaining her size 10 figure.

The 37-year-old mother-of-four has transformed her body in the past eight months and credits her incredible size 10 figure to new lifestyle choices, which include intermittent fasting and working out at home during the Covid-19 lockdown.

She told New! magazine: ''I've had four kids, I'm 38 in a few weeks' time and I'm like, 'You know what, this body has done me proud.'

''I've only got two 8kg kettle bells at home [as gyms are closed] so I do all over body workouts and some HIIT sessions.

''We've been training on my bottom for the last eight months and it's still not even there, but we're getting there. My tummy will always be a work in progress too, because I've had two C-sections, so the muscles are really weak there.''

Last month Natasha shared some pictures of herself in a bikini and said she was heavier than ever on the scales but had toned up.

She explained: ''I am taking part in the body positivity challenge!!! This is me, no makeup, no filter.

''This is me not on a diet either! I've not had to restrict what I eat. I'm not following a 'plan'. I'm heavier in the scales - I am healthy & fit.

''This is me 8 months in to making a lifestyle choice. I chose to fast and I chose to drink ketones.

''I have one ketone drink in the morning. I eat 2 healthy meals per day. I have brunch on the weekdays - I have wine most nights.

''I eat bread, chocolate and Indian takeaways...I also move my body too. I've been doing 2 1 hour workouts most weeks. I hydrate ALOT and I don't put any silly restrictions on myself.

''I enjoy my life more now because of the benefits I get from drinking ketones - better mood, I sleep like a baby and wake with my brain lit and ready to go again! I'm more motivated than ever. I'm calmer, happier and more importantly just happy with who I am.

''I am far from perfect - but I'm my late 30s I'm a way better version of me than at any other age.

''I'm Natasha, crazy busy mum of 4 who has chosen to take my health & future into my own hands.

''I want to be preset for my kids and alive long enough on this planet to spend many years with them and my grandchildren. Don't make excuses. Just make the change (sic).''