But Odd Future co-manager does defend the advert
In what’s been a lengthy war of words on all sides, Odd Future’s co-manager Ed Clancy has come to the defense of Tyler The Creator and his allegedly racist Mountain Dew advert.
The ad, which features a goat obsessed with Mountain Dew has drawn criticism from – most vocally – Dr Boyce Watkins who called it the most racial commercial ever, given it featured the goat lined up with a heavily stereotyped black suspect line and an all-white police force and victim on the side of the glass window. The ad has since been removed and Clancy apologized, though he did say "It was never Tyler's intention to offend however. Offense is personal and valid to anyone who is offended. Out of respect to those that were offended the ad was taken down."
In a statement given to MTV, he continued "For those who know and respect Tyler he is known for pushing boundaries and challenging stereotypes through humor. This is someone who grew up on [comedian] David Chappelle. This situation is layered with context and is a discussion that Tyler would love to address in the right forum as he does have a point of view."
Continuing, Clancy wrote "He absolutely never intended to spark a controversy about race. It was simply an again admittedly absurd story that was never meant to be taken seriously … We apologize if this was taken out of context and would never trivialize racism, especially now in America where voting and civil rights are being challenged at the highest level.”
Tyler The Creator's Mountain Dew ad has been banned
Made in America Festival is an annual music event founded by rapper and businessman Jay-Z...