A really creepy 'Grease' fan theory has recently resurfaced, and we want to put it to rest once and for all. According to some fans, 'Grease' is basically the fever dream of lead character Sandy who allegedly drowned during her summer fun with Danny Zuko. 

GreasePeople have got to stop saying that Sandy drowned

In 2013, a Reddit fan theory arose claiming a rather morbid scenario for the 1978 musical film 'Grease' starring Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta. In a nutshell, it said that Sandy died at the beach whilst she was with Danny on vacation and everything that happens in the movie is all in her head. A lazy theory if ever we heard one. Unfortunately, the suggestion has somehow managed to trend once again.

'Sandy actually did drown on the beach that day', the Reddit posts reads. 'As she drowned, her brain deprived of oxygen, she had a vivid coma fantasy involving her summer fling Danny, where they shared a magical year of high school together. The visions get increasingly outlandish as time passes, until finally, as Danny desperately tries to resuscitate her on the beach, she sees herself flying into Heaven in her dying moments. The entire movie was a drowning woman's coma fantasy.'

It's true that Danny sings 'She swam by me, she got a cramp/ Saved her life, she nearly drowned' in 'Summer Nights', which is where the theory begins. However, Sandy's version of events suggests they were in shallow water the whole time. 'He ran by me, got my suit damp' (why would she be fussed about her suit getting wet unless she was doing nothing more than dipping her toes in the water?), 'He showed off splashing around' (sort of suggests he's showing off again by telling his friends that he saved her life - that's not the only time in the song that he exaggerated).

Of course, you can turn the ending of that song to mean she's dying too: 'It turned colder; that's where it ends'. As for the Greased Lightning flying to Heaven ending, it's much more likely that it's a reference to the shop class teacher's earlier comment, 'If this car were in any better condition it would fly!'

Another theory suggests that the film events are real up until Sandy's transformation, before which point she has committed suicide. After that, it's merely a dying dream sequence. 'The last line of 'Look at me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise)' is 'Goodbye to Sandra Dee'', another Reddit post reads. 'Everything that happens in the last scene is just a little TOO perfect. Danny and Sandy are back together despite everything, Rizzo SUDDENLY isn't pregnant AND Kenickie suddenly decides that he actually loves her, the geeky kid gets onto the sports team, EVERYTHING is suddenly ok, just the way that sweet, innocent Sandy would have wanted it to be.'

Although it sounds much more plausible, it IS a musical. Everything is supposed to be perfect. Danny is clearly trying to change (hence becoming a jock) so why WOULDN'T Sandy give the relationship another shot? Plus, Rizzo was never actually pregnant in the first place, and 'Goodbye to Sandra Dee' is clearly a farewell to Sandy's previous image. After all, her name isn't actually Sandra Dee - that's just the nickname Rizzo gave her because of her oh-so-wholesome attitude. 

If you need any more proof that these Grease Death Theories are utter BS, an entertainment editor named Anna Klassen claimed to have inside knowledge. 'So "Grease fan theory" is trending, implying Sandy or Danny may be dead', she wrote on Twitter yesterday (September 8th 2016). 'I spoke to the director & he assured me this is absolute rubbish.'