Robert Chew, the actor known best for his role as crime boss Proposition Joe in the hit HBO series The Wire, has passed away from apparent heart failure earlier today aged 52.

Michael K. Williams, who played Omar Little on the show, posted an obituary in honour of the actor on to his Instagram account this afternoon (Jan 18), with his sister confirming the news with press shortly after. Chew, who also starred in Homicide and The Corner - shows also masterminded by The Wire creator David Simon - was also an active member of the Baltimore community and worked closely with the city's youth through his acting classes.

He was an active member at the United States' oldest still-active African-American community theater company, the Baltimore City Players, and would regularly contribute to the organisation right up until his recent health problems forced him away from the centre. Working with the Areana Players Youth Theatre, he would help numerous members of the group to gain roles in the show for it's fourth series, which was based around the Baltimore city school system. He was described as a "fine and generous man" by Simon shortly after the announcement of his death, and the Baltimore community will surely suffer from the loss of one of the city's most loved sons.

Details on his passing have remained somewhat vacant, although it has been announced that his funeral will be held this Thursday at Calvin-Scruggs Funeral Home in Baltimore. Our deepest condolences go out to Chew's family and friends.