Sophie Turner at Variety's Power of Young Hollywood presented by Pixhug held at NeueHouse Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States...
Sophie Turner attends a photocall for 'Game of Thrones' in Madrid. Sophie's character, Sansa Stark, has played a huge role...
Sophie Turner and Gwendoline Christie - HBO's 'Game Of Thrones' stars arrive at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) at LAX...
Sophie Turner - The Arqiva British Academy Television Awards 2014 (BAFTA) - Arrivals - London, United Kingdom - Saturday 18th...
Sophie Turner - Entertainment Weekly Screen Actors Guild Party at Chateau Marmont - Arrivals - Los Angeles, California, United States...
Sophie Turner - Entertainment Weekly Screen Actors Guild Party at Chateau Marmont - Arrivals - Los Angeles, California, United States...
Sophie Turner, Isaac Hempstead-Wright and Maisie Williams - Entertainment Weekly Screen Actors Guild Party at Chateau Marmont - Arrivals -...
Sophie Turner - San Francisco premiere of HBO's 'Game of Thrones' season 3 held at Palace of Fine Arts Theatre...
Sophie Turner - San Francisco premiere of HBO's 'Game of Thrones' season 3 held at Palace of Fine Arts Theatre...
Sophie Turner, Gwendoline Christie and Kit Harington accept the Best TV Show winner for Game of Thrones - The Elle...
Sophie Turner - The Elle Style Awards 2013 - London, United Kingdom - Monday 11th February 2013
Sophie Turner - The Devil's Dozen Premiere Los Angeles California United States Friday 1st February 2013
Sophie Turner - The Devil's Dozen Los Angeles premiere - Arrivals Los Angeles California Friday 1st February 2013