When 27.03.2013

'Crash' star Thandie Newton talks about her character, learning to use a gun and tapping into the emotions of the movie in an LA press junkett interview for her new TV drama 'Rogue' created by Matthew Parkhill.

Asked about her character's moral conflicts, she explains the main plot about an undercover police officer losing her child but nobody believing her that she was murdered. 'The work she's done undercover has tapped into her more immoral understanding of the way people can be', she says. She talks about how she learned to shoot during a day of police training at a firing range. 'It turned out I was the best shot out of all of [the people there], I just had a natural ability to hit the target', she explained, though admitted her ability left her with a 'bittersweet feeling'. She describes her understanding of a mother who has lost her child as coming from the work she does as a human rights activist and from talking to Parkhill who has had similar experiences.


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