"That thing of someone saying "You're really pretty" and then, when the other person thanks them, saying, "Oh, so you agree? You think you're pretty?" That happened in my school. That was a bear trap," she told the NY Times.

Tina Fey
'Mean Girls' Movie Writer Tina Fey Drew From Her Own Experiences For The Catty Script.

Meanwhile Rosalind Wiseman, who wrote the self-help book, Queen Bees and Wannabes, that Mean Girls is based on, was shocked at how accurately Fey and the cast created the perfect tone: "I didn't know it was going to be a big movie. But the first time I saw Rachel in the rough cut, I could not believe how good she was. My mom was with me, and I remember turning to her and saying, 'I can't believe how perfectly she got every mean girl I've ever worked with,'" she said.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams Nailed The Blend Of Catty & Manipulative Needed To Play Regina.

Next Page: A sequel? Sort of...