Review of Supa Sista Album by Ursula Rucker

News & Reviews
8. Ursula Rucker Supa Sista (Album - !K7)
If you always found English lessons a bore, especially the poetry part, heres something that could open refreshing new door for you.
Ursula Rucker, first and foremost, is a poet and poet who places words in an order that make sense to an audience of real people, people who live in and relate to a modern world. . Her soothing spoken word tells of universal topics, of things that we can all empathise with; child abuse, the state of black music, womanhood and lost love.
Her lyrics are the important part, but that doesnt mean to say the music goes unnoticed. Enlisting help from the likes of 4-Hero, Alexkid (F-Comminication), King Britt and Jonah Sharp (Spacetime Continuum) she manages to create a backdrop of basic but emotive sounds. String solos, blunt tablas and acoustic guitars all take centre stage at some point.
The unique thing about this album is that the music is built around the words rather than the words being built around the music. To listen to the album without hearing the words would be to miss out on another fundamental and exciting dimension to music and lyric. Take What??? where she confronts and challenges todays rappers about the sometimes offensive content of their verse, or the dub sung Spring. Listen and try denying that you are hearing something unique.
This Philadelphia woman speaks wise words.
Beautifully voiced, blunt and up front comments about sexual exploits, shameful secrets and urban life, alongside a subtly suitable soundtrack, make this an album that must be heard.