Of all the video games you could imagine making the leap onto the big screen, Tetris would have to be pretty low down on that list. After all, it is a game which involves shapes, just shapes and really how good of a movie could that possibly be?

NintendoTetris was a staple of Nintendo's Gameboy console

Well it appears we’re about to find out as Threshold Entertainment have just announced plans for a live action movie based on the game. Threshold do have experience transferring games to the big screen, having previously given us Mortal Kombat in 1995 and its sequel.

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But the lack of humans, animals, basically anything that’s not just a shape in Tetris doesn't seem to be worrying Threshold who said they are planning “a very big, epic sci-fi movie”. Adding that they believe “Brands are the new stars of Hollywood,’ (if you say so.)

‘We have a story behind ‘Tetris’ which makes it a much more imaginative thing.” CEO Larry Kasanoff told the Wall Street Journal. Adding that the game which came our way via the Soviet Union in the late 1980s is, “the teeny tip of an iceberg that has intergalactic significance”.

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Admittedly it does all sound pretty intriguing. While no release date has been given, we do know that our favourite blocks wont be anthropomorphised, because that would just be too ridiculous. “This isn’t a movie with a bunch of lines running around the page. We’re not giving feet to the geometric shapes,” assured Kasanof.